About / Posts

annoucement as of december 2017: i basically move to Patreon, please check out my creation and support me !!!

My Patreon

annoucement as of april 2016: sorry my blog is not very neat now..

research interest

evolutionary game theory, bargaining game, agent based simulation.

drop me a line.


GAMES CONGRESS - Maastrict 2016 Presentation

RACKETCON - St. Louis 2016 Granted

Max Planck Institute of Demographic – Rostock 2015 Granted

the honor is overwhelming and i send best regards to organisers and all people that make this happen


i code simulation for my thesis in Racket/Scheme

i also code small programs that solve daily student problems, on my github & gist

other tools

karate, pole dance, yoga

speaking of tools, the limit of my tools is the limit of my world

other random things



Creative Commons License
Everything on this blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

(you are free to share, adapt, just not to make $ on this)

comment section