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machine: state-based vs rule-based


state-based looks good in picture. very elucidating. because picture is appealing to our eyes.

in the repeated prisoner dilemma game, the all-defection guy has only one state (circle) and it loops forever on that one circle, no matter what. you can see state-based visualisation of it here.

however, we can look at the PD from another perspective, another approach, another route to probe it: the iterated way. for a loose distinguish of two kinds of loops: iteration vs recursion, see here.

in the iterated PD, the stage game is played conditionally on the previous move. it's like players have memory about previous rounds and they use that information to choose strategies. they can remember as many states as they want, but Dyson says that the shortest-memory player sets the rule of the game. if A forgets everything, B doesnt need to remember either. (please go read Dyson for further maths). so we just need to work with memory-one machines.

(note that this rule-based can be analysed as a markov chain, how neat)


this new standpoint requires a new representation of the machines. machines will condition their current move on the previous outcome of the stage game. like this:


the machine will have this structure:

initial-strategy if-CC if-CD if-DC if-DD

let each value of these above arguments to be the probability that the machine will cooperate, the all-Defection guy will be written like this:

0 0 0 0 0

here is the grim-trigger guy:

1 1 0 0 0

the grim trigger guy starts with Cooperate (pC=1), it only cooperates again if the outcome is CC, otherwise it defect (pC=0). once the outcome is different from CC, this guy never cooperate again -> the outcome CC can never happen again. it never forgives, and never forgets.

the convenient thing here is that, 1 can be read as C also. it's like symbol 1 doesnt only hold value 1 but it holds value C also. because this is deterministic machine. a probabilistic guy will look like this

.5 0 .5 .3

in this case the symbol .5 holds value .5 but you cant read the symbol .5 as value Cooperate (because the probability to cooperate is only .5, not full).

define machine

anyway, now we see that machines have the same structure, so we can define this general structure first:

(define-struct automaton (init-claim cc cd dc dd))

(sorry, machine and automaton are roughly the same, so i'll use it interchangeably, pardon my ignorance. but i think the details for the word automaton is not particularly necessarily to remember. and i use init-claim not init-strat because this code was written for bargaining game =)

after we define a general structure of automaton, let's make some good guys:

(define all-Cs (make-automaton 1 1 1 1 1))
(define tit-for-tat (make-automaton 1 1 0 1 0))
(define grim-trigger (make-automaton 1 1 0 0 0))

however if we call these guys by name, racket will not return their dna:

> all-Cs

we know that the symbol all-Cs holds an automaton (with structure as defined) but we dont see its dna. i have to define a function to identify an #<automaton>. racket only have some built-in function to call each part of an #<automaton>:

> (automaton-init-claim all-Cs)
> (automaton-cc all-Cs)
> (automaton-dd tit-for-tat)

so i just need to assemble these function together in order to identify the whole automaton:

(define (identify automaton)
      (automaton-init-claim automaton)
      (automaton-cc automaton)
      (automaton-cd automaton)
      (automaton-dc automaton)
      (automaton-dd automaton)))

you can see that the code of the function identify has repeated pattern on its own, so technically, a shorter way is map:

(define (identify automaton)
  (map (lambda (f) (f automaton))


> (identify all-Cs)
'(1 1 1 1 1)


next move

we need a function to look up the dna of the machine to spit out the next strategy based on previous outcome:

(define (next-claim automaton previous-claims)
  (let ([look-up
          [(equal? previous-claims '(1 1)) automaton-cc]
          [(equal? previous-claims '(1 0)) automaton-cd]
          [(equal? previous-claims '(0 1)) automaton-dc]
          [(equal? previous-claims '(0 0)) automaton-dd])])
    (look-up automaton)))

cond is a conditional sentence, it's a more complex if. because it has a bunch of booleans. the first boolean that returns #t -> the function after that boolean will be executed.

let is the define that doesnt bind globally. if i (define a 2) then the symbol a holds the value 2 permanently until we define a by another value or until we exit racket. let only binds locally, in this case, let binds inside a definition.

the above procedure means that, given the input of previous-claim, we can look up the equivalent strategy for the current move.


> (next-claim tit-for-tat '(0 0))

this means that if the previous outcome was 0 0 (D D), the tit for tat guy will play 0 (D) in this current round.

payoff matrix

here is the payoff matrix, i use 3 and 6. with this value, two agents alternate C-D, D-C will get averagely the same as two agents C-C all the time. so in equilibrium, we may find that people alternate.

you can use other conventional payoff values, no problem.

(define (match-claims claims)
  (cond [(equal? claims '(1 1)) (list 3 3)]
        [(equal? claims '(1 0)) (list 0 6)]
        [(equal? claims '(0 1)) (list 6 0)]
        [(equal? claims '(0 0)) (list 1 1)]))


> (match-claims '(1 1))
'(3 3)


now we assemble all these above parts to make a bigger function: match 2 machines for a number of rounds. that sounds like a loop. there are 2 kinds of loops to go: iteration and recursion. for loop is a recursion, but we do iteration here. iteration loop is less elegant and look more primitive, but it is cheap and efficient. here is the loop:

(define (match-pair* au1 au2 results previous-claims countdown)
  (if (zero? countdown)
      (match-pair* au1 au2
                   (append results (list (match-claims previous-claims)))
                   (list (next-claim au1 previous-claims)
                         (next-claim au2 (reverse previous-claims)))
                   (sub1 countdown))))

it's simple, if we want 200 rounds, we set a number of 200, and in each loop, the two machines will be matched once, and the countdown will be minus 1 until it reaches 0. when it reaches 0, racket returns the results that it has been collecting the whole time. try:

> (match-pair* tit-for-tat all-Ds '() '(1 0) 10)
'((0 6) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1))

(note that the results initially is an empty list '() and we need to give the initial claims)

here is the full function match-pair using match-pair* as helper:

(define (match-pair automaton-pair rounds-per-match)
  (match-pair* (first automaton-pair)
               (second automaton-pair)
               (map automaton-init-claim automaton-pair)


> (match-pair (list tit-for-tat all-Ds) 10)
'((0 6) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1) (1 1))

at this point, we are done with coding individual machines and matching pair.